
East Coast Swing
Learn this dance in an hour and start having a blast at the local swing
dance club! East Coast Swing is easy, intuitive, and not terribly structured.
It fits perfectly with jukebox swing tunes. The basic step is triple step,
triple step, rock step.
West Coast Swing
West Coast Swing is a cool, sexy dance that spotlights the lady. Like
hustle, it's perfect for nightclub dance-beat music. This dance consists
of six and eight count patterns that are danced in a slot. Much expression
and creativity are possible with this dance.

Recently revised and expanded, this video has two hours
of material, including awesome scenes from televised west
coast swing performances and scenes from the biggest dance
competitions. This tape covers the complete standard
syllabus (including the push, side passes, underarm
turns, whips, tuck turns, etc.) but goes on to show variations
on these basic figures.

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information >>

Joe, Sarah and Patricia
Length: 2 hours
Number of Patterns: over 40
DVD: $30 |