Recently revised and expanded, this video has two hours of material,
including awesome scenes from televised west coast swing performances
and scenes from the biggest dance competitions. This tape covers
the complete standard syllabus (including the push, side
passes, underarm turns, whips, tuck turns, etc.) but goes on to
show variations on these basic figures. This video shows almost
all types of whip patterns, including reverse whips, spin whips,
continuous whips, pivoting whips, whip combinations, and the accelerated
whip. There are many west coast swing tapes on the market, but
unlike most, this one shows the most popular variations on the
basic figures. This video also covers the important subjects of
frame, connection and timing. Almost all beginners do several
things wrong. This video points out and addresses these common
- a. The Push (also called Sugar Push).
Standard footwork timing: 1, 2, 3&4, 5&6.
b. The Push (also called Sugar Push). "Touch Step"
footwork timing: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5&6. The first triple step
is replaced by a touch step.
c. The Push (also called Sugar Push). Side, cross, side
variation. Standard footwork timing: 1, 2, 3&4, 5&6.
The lady turns slightly to the right at the end of count 2,
then dances a side, cross, side triple step for the first triple
d. The Push (also called Sugar Push). Kick variation.
Footwork timing: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5&6. The lady kicks with her
right leg to gentleman's right side on count 3, then replaces
on count 4.
- a. The Right Side Pass (Underarm Turn).
Standard footwork timing: 1, 2, 3&4, 5&6. The lady
dances a side, cross, side (crossing in front) on the first
triple step.
b. The Right Side Pass (Underarm Turn). "Touch Step"
footwork timing: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5&6. The first triple step
is replaced by a touch step.
c. The Right Side Pass (Underarm Turn). Similar to #2a,
this pattern uses the popular "&3" timing for
the crossing step. Footwork timing: 1, 2, &3, 4, 5&6.
- a. The Left Side Pass. Standard
footwork timing: 1, 2, 3&4, 5&6. Note: as the lady's
footwork is the same for the left side pass as for the right
side pass, she may select any timing shown for the right side
b. The Left Side Pass. "Touch Step" footwork
timing: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5&6.
- a. The Tuck Turn (from open). "Touch
Step" footwork timing: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5&6.
b. The Tuck Turn (from open). This pattern uses the popular
"&3" timing for a crossing (in front) step. Footwork
timing: 1, 2, &3, 4, 5&6.
c. The Tuck Turn (from open). Standard footwork timing:
1, 2, 3&4, 5&6.
- The Spinning Left Side Pass. The
lady makes a spin to the left on the first triple step as she
travels by the gentleman's left side. Standard footwork timing:
1, 2, 3&4, 5&6.
- She Goes / He Goes. Standard footwork
timing: 1, 2, 3&4, 5&6. The lady performs a right side
pass (underarm turn) and the gentleman turns to his left (under
his left hand) on the second triple step.
- a. Triple, Triple Starter Step.
The lady moves from closed to open via a tuck turn using touch
step timing. The complete figure would have timing of 1&2,
3&4 (starter step), then 1, 2, 3, 4, 5&6 (tuck turn).
b. Triple, Triple Starter Step. The lady moves from closed
to open via a tuck turn using "&3" (crossing)
step timing.
c. Triple, Triple Starter Step. The lady moves from closed
to open via walk, walk, triple, triple. In other words, she
moves to open as if dancing a left side pass.
d. Triple, Triple Starter Step. The lady moves from closed
to open via a spinning left side pass.
- a. Rock Step Starter Step. The
lady moves from closed to open via a tuck turn using touch step
timing. Though the triple, triple starter step is the "classic"
beginner starter step, some teachers prefer to teach a rock
step starter step. This move is the same as 7a. above, but the
triple, triple beginning is omitted.
b. Rock Step Starter Step. The lady moves from closed
to open via a tuck turn using "&3" (crossing)
step timing.
c. Rock Step Starter Step. The lady moves from closed
to open via a tuck turn using 1, 2, 3&4, 5&6 timing.
- Lady's Movement from Open to Closed.
Then tuck turn back out to open. The lady moves in to closed
dance position via a 1, 2, 3&4, 5&6 foot timing. Next,
she moves back to open via a tuck turn.
- The Cut Off. The lady makes a half
turn to the left, is "cut off," then makes a half
turn back to the right to end up where she started. A six-count
figure with standard footwork timing: 1, 2, 3&4, 5&6.
- The Reverse. This move is similar
to the cutoff, except that the lady makes a half turn to the
left coming in and then another half turn to the left going
back out. A six-count figure with standard footwork timing:
1, 2, 3&4, 5&6.
- A Hitch (shown with an underarm turn
following). This move is popular in the Texas push. At the
end of a six-count figure, such as a sugar push, the gentleman
leads toward himself on count 5, then away (toward her) on count
6. It's a "pull/push" that occurs on what would otherwise
be a standard anchor step.
- Accelerated Side Pass. Arguably
this is not a figure for a basic syllabus. However, I included
it because of its enormous popularity.
- Spinning Left Side Pass with Head Loop
to Closed. This is a basic six-count figure that starts
with the partners "open" and finishes with the partners
in "closed."
- Closed Whip (Regular Whip). An
eight-count figure.
- Locked (or "Basket" Whip).
An eight-count figure.
- Whip with an Inside Turn. An eight-count
- Closed Whip with Two Turns to the Right.
- Locked Whip with Two Turns to the Right.
- Whip with Behind the Back (her back)
Hand Change (also called back whip or spin whip).
- Whip with Behind the Back (her back)
Hand Change with an extra turn.
- The Reverse Whip. Starts in a "handshake"
hand connection.
- The Reverse Whip with Two Turns to
the Right.
- The Basic "Bow" Whip.
- The Accelerated Whip.
- The Continuous Whip.
- A popular footwork syncopation.
Many folks use this as their "basic" timing: 1, 2,
3&4, 5&touch (6), &1. A small, forward touch is
performed on count 6.
In addition to the above, the video contains
more combinations and whip patterns, including the following additional
whip structures:
- Double hand cross whip.
- The "bow tie" whip.
- The closed whip with roll in.
- The pivot whip.
- The "snap in" whip.
Joe, Sarah
and Patricia
Length: 2 hours
Number of Patterns: over 40
DVD: $30 |