This tape, which uses the easy, "follow the leader"
teaching method, is fully suitable for the complete beginner.
It contains many "follow along" practice sessions. East
Coast Swing, also known as Jitterbug or triple timing swing, is
the most popular type of swing. East Coast Swing is a great first
dance to learn and the six-count patterns of East Coast Swing
can serve as a foundation for "Lindy Hop" swing, which
uses eight-count patterns in addition to six-count patterns. Though
suitable for the beginner, this tape goes on to show many, many
intermediate and advanced patterns that are great for social dancing.
Many really cool pretzel and tunnel patterns are packed into this
90 minute tape.
- The basic step
broken down and shown in detail.
- Open hand hold
- Starter step
in promenade position.
- Dancing in closed
- Release to open
(throw out) and movement from open back to closed.
- Lady's inside
reverse turn (Lady's turn to left).
- Man's underarm
turn to left and man's turn to left dropping hand at waist and
then picking back up.
- Tuck turn exit
from closed position.
- "She goes/he
goes." She turns to the left on the first triple step,
he turns to the left on the second triple step.
- American spin
shown with three different leads: 1) hand to hand lead, 2) waist
catch lead, 3) catch on the shoulders lead.
- Turnstile (flip
away) turn. Man dances into Lady's right arm, pushes it (like
a turnstile), she turns to the right.
- Movement into
right side "cuddle" position with tuck turn out.
- Movement to
cuddle, then movement to "hammerlock," then two counterclockwise
(CCW) turns for the lady.
- "She goes
double/he goes." Similar to #9, but the lady turns twice,
then the man turns once.
- Behind the back
hand change combination for the man. She does an inside reverse
turn and the man makes a turn to the right to make a behind
the back hand change ( BTBHC). Now in "handshake,"
he leads another inside reverse turn for the lady, he turns
to left making another BTBHC.
- Two more ways
to make hand changes: 1) dropping a hand at the waist during
a turn, then picking back up with opposite hand. 2) "Arm
Slide." One hand over her head, one hand over his, then
they slide apart.
- Behind the back
flip away turn. She does an inside reverse turn, then he goes
to the right to make a BTBHC with a "prep" to lead
a free spin to the left for the lady.
- "Hair brush"
figure for the guy.
- "Hair brush"
figure for the lady.
- Two handed "she
goes/he goes" movement preceding movement to right side
cuddle position.
- Lady's single
- Lady's double
- Man's tunnel.
- Cross handed
"she goes/he goes" turns to precede setting up tunnels.
- Lady's double
tunnel following man's duck under the arms.
- "She goes/he
goes," but this time she goes to the left, he goes to the
- "She goes/they
both go." She does an inside reverse turn, then they both
do a "shoulder roll."
- American spin
variation where they both spin (opposite directions).
- Man's pretzel.
- Lady's pretzel.
- A combination:
Lady's movement to "skater's" position. Tuck and turn
to the right for the lady. Double turns to the left for the
lady, man makes a BTBHC at the end.
- "High /Low"
and pick up move for the man. (Man's turn to the left with arm
style variation, collecting the lady in closed dance position.)
- Toe, heel swivels.
- "Chicken
Walks," (swivel walks for the lady).
- Two handed "barrel
- Hat tricks.
Dance figures and tricks you can do with a hat.
- Quick tunnels.
- Tunnel combinations.
- Quick tunnel
to double slow tunnels.
- How to "hit
the breaks." Places where you can "hit" or freeze
to breaks (stops) in the music.
- How to flip
a hat in the air while dancing.
Joe and Patricia
Length: about 90
Number of Patterns: about 35
DVD: $30 |