The waltz is probably the most widely recognized partner dance
in the world. It is one of the "backbone" dances of
ballroom and country dancing. This tape starts with the easy "box
step pattern," it uses the "follow the leader"
teaching method, and it is fully suitable for the complete beginner.
The waltz is a very easy dance to learn. All you really have to
know is the box step to enjoy this dance. This tape moves on to
show 30 figures, including many intermediate figures. This video
shows figures that are popular and that are easy to lead in social
dancing. Most figures are "American Style," but two
amalgamations of "International Style" figures are shown.
The video shows how to combine the figures to create a dance routine
with patterns such as open right turns, toss across, spirals,
reverse turns, free spins, and four patterns involving lady and
gentleman on matched footwork. This video is professionally produced
in beautiful, "broadcast quality" digital video with
stereo, CD-quality sound.
Note: This waltz instructional video
covers more than just the steps below. The videotape begins with
an introduction to the waltz that includes beautiful footage of
professional competitions. The intro provides more information
than you would get in many private lessons. Frame, connection,
timing, and music structure are discussed.
- The Basic Box Step
The basic box step is easy to learn. You'll follow Sarah from
behind to make this especially easy to learn.
- The Box Step Moving About in 1/4 Turns
Once you start moving the box around the floor, you look great!
This is soooo easy, but it looks great. We show you the secrets
to rise and fall technique. Note: the "majesty" in
waltz comes not from the steps, but from the style. Even the
box step, when danced "majestically," looks awesome.
We show you how to achieve the majestic look!
- Closed Changes, Left and Right (Forward
Line of Dance)
Closed changes accomplish several things. First, they let you
move the box down the line of dance. Closed changes are also
used to link figures together.
- Forward "Streamline" Basic
The important thing here learning how to dance the "rise
and fall." We show you how to do this.
- Backward Streamline Basic
The secret to dancing backwards is in extending from the hip
and stepping to the toe.
- Backward Basic with Left and Right
Closed Changes
Analogous to #3.
- Movement to Promenade and Promenade
The movement to promenade position precedes and sets up many,
many figures.
- The Basic Twinkle
I hate this name (Twinkle), but it's part of the waltz lingo.
Dance it, but don't tell folks the name of the step.
- Rolling Twinkles or "Toss Across"
This pattern is really easy, but it looks good.
- She Goes / He Goes Twinkles
This is also an easy pattern...great for social dancing.
- Open Hand Hold Toss Across
This is also an easy pattern...great for social dancing.
- Roll In / Push Off
This movement is sometimes called "rolling off the arm."
It's popular in many dances.
- Right Turning Basic, "Twinkle
This is a really important figure. Many figures can be started
from this figure and many figures can end by transitioning back
into this figure. In addition, turning basics are fun and this
one can be used to "motor" yourself around the floor.
- Open Hand Hold Serpentine (Spirals)
This is a classic, "must know" figure in American
style waltz.
- Serpentine Danced in Closed Dance Hold
Like #14, but danced in a closed hold.
- Movement to Promenade, Inside (Reverse)
Single reverse turns work well in the waltz.
- Vine Step and Synchronous Free Spins
- Man on Outside
This is an easy, leadable figure.
- Vine Step and Synchronous Free Spins
- Lady on Outside
This is an easy, leadable figure.
- Triple Twinkle
- Left Turning Basic
- Left Turn with Extra Turn for Lady
Similar to #20, but the Lady performs an extra turn.
- Single Pivot
Pivots are extra fun.
- Pivoting Spirals
This is a great move for social dancing - easy to lead, looks
nice, fun.
- She Goes / He Goes Counterclockwise
Steps on "Matched" Footwork
- Pair Turns
- Windmill Turns
- Overhead "Tick Tocks"
- Tandem Turns
Combinations of International Style Figures
- Reverse Turn,
Closed Change, Natural Turn, Closed Change
This is a great figure for getting the hang of international
style waltz.
- Reverse Turn, Whisk, Chasse, Natural
Spin Turn
This is the standard "bronze" combination.
Instructors: Joe
and Patricia
Length: 95 minutes
Number of Patterns: 30
DVD: $30 |

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