
I can't be perfectly sure. No videotape producer can anticipate and address
every potential song selection. However, we show dances that can be danced
to the three most popular rhythm patterns used for slow songs: 1) the
straight 1,2,3,4 rhythm pattern, 2) the 1,2,3; 1,2,3 rhythm pattern (i.e.,
the waltz), and 3) the slow, quick, quick, slow, rhythm pattern (i.e.,
foxtrot timing). If you have already selected your music, listen for one
of the rhythm patterns above. Likely you will find one of them. If you've
selected a waltz, any waltz, this tape should work perfectly. If you've
selected a very unusual rhythm pattern, even a dance teacher may not be
able to help.
Yes. Most music stores have CD's that contain wedding favorites. For
my video, I used a CD called "Now and Forever" (timeless wedding
songs) put out by Rhino Entertainment Group (www.rhino.com). This CD
contains the classic waltz, "Can I have this dance (for the rest
of my life)" by Anne Murray. Rather than picking out the music
first, you could try out the dances first and then select a song that
fits the dance you like best.
I think so. These are truly easy, field-tested patterns specially selected
for their sure-fire success. My video starts out by teaching only one
step for each dance. Dancing that one step over and over may be all
that you (or your boyfriend) will be able to achieve (but that's better
than most people can do). The basic step danced well will impress most
folks. If your boyfriend can do the Electric Slide, he can learn these
dances. Teaching is performed by the follow the leader approach: just
watch your television and "follow the leader." It's easier
than learning a line dance.
Note: we do not teach anything extremely elaborate or complicated. Why?
Because it's better to dance a basic figure well than to dance a complicated
pattern and mess it up. Wedding day has enough stress without having
to worry about messing up the dance while everybody is watching. A simple
box step waltz pattern danced well is elegant and it will impress even
a dance teacher.
- The One Step. The "one step"
is a type of slow dance that moves around with the music. When you
watch most guys slow dance, all they do is stand in one place, occasionally
shifting their weight, usually not in time to the music. The "one
step" is a "jazzed up" slow dance where we show you
how to move around and rotate your dance as you slow dance. It also
employs a step and weight change to each beat of the music so that
you are now truly dancing to the music rather than just periodically
shifting weight. We also show a dip and a pivoting revolve step where
you pivot on a spot.
- The Waltz. We teach a simple box step
pattern and then show how to move this box pattern around the floor.
It's easy but it looks great. Gentlemen: you can impress your mother
in law, grandmother, and everybody else with this. Also, it's easy.
We go on to show a lady's turn in this step.
- The Foxtrot. We show the same basic box
step pattern as with the waltz and we show you how to move this pattern
around the floor. It's almost identical to the waltz pattern except
that it uses a rhythm pattern of slow, quick, quick, slow rather than
1,2,3; 1,2,3.
Personally, I think the waltz is the best all around wedding dance.
First of all, it's known as the "dance of romance." Second,
it has timeless elegance and class. Third, it's easy to hear and easy
to learn. Fourth, it will impress all of the older folks. My next pick
would be the one step. Guy's, if you dance a nice waltz with your bride's
mother and grandmother, you'll be in like Flynn.
Since part of the mission of The Dance Store is to promote good partner
dancing and to make good dance instruction affordable, I'm offering
the following free advice. Whether you buy my tape or not or whether
you go to a dance studio, keep in mind the following:
There's an old saying among dance teachers: "It's
not what you do, it's how you do it." Even if you dance just
a basic step, the most important thing is to make that step look really
good. Specifically, dance it with good posture and good frame with
your chin up and your shoulders back and low. Guy's, don't let your
elbows collapse to your sides. Convey a look of complete confidence
and don't look at your feet. Step boldly with confidence rather than
tentatively. In other words, dance in a grand, majestic manner. Even
a simple box step waltz pattern, when danced majestically, will look
great. You may smile at your partner while dancing. Avoid looking
like a scared, trapped animal. Truly, the secret to looking great
lies in the details discussed above, not in the steps you choose.
Also, three minutes or so is a long time to be dancing a solo. Have
the D.J. or band leader fade the song out or invite other dancers
to the floor after the first 90 seconds of the big, "first dance."
During that 90 seconds, give the impression that you own the place.
Attitude goes a long way. Practice ahead of time and count to yourself
during the entire dance. Good luck!
I think it helps a relationship when a couple can dance well together.
These three dances are "foundation dances" and you may benefit
from learning all three, even if you chose not to use any of them at
your wedding. Knowing these dances can come in really handy for general
social dancing.
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