This is a great companion video for the Bronze Syllabus. It contains
both the silver syllabus and the gold syllabus. The Silver Syllabus
contains 20 very popular intermediate figures. The Gold Syllabus
contains 14 very popular advanced figures. Most of the intermediate
figures can be led and followed easily. The gold syllabus shows
you how to dance the really cool (but difficult) patterns that
are popular among country western dance competitors.
Copyright 2002 by Joe Baker
See also the two-step bronze syllabus video.
Many of the silver syllabus figures are advanced variations of
the bronze figures. This is very beneficial for several reasons:
1) the student can build on familiar patterns, 2) the "base"
patterns are easy to lead and they are very recognizable, and
3) these figures allow maintaining a consistent core character
of the dance. There are hundreds of two step figures. Only the
most popular figures and the figures that best represent the origin
of and the character of the dance make it into the syllabus.
that Involve Quick, Quick, Quick, Quick, Slow, Slow (QQQQ, SS)
- Cape "Prep" Turns with Double
This pattern is very similar to step #10 of the Bronze Syllabus,
except the lady performs two turns rather than making a single
turn. The action is check, check (or prep, prep), then turn
on QQ, then turn again on QQ. This move is easy to lead in social
- Cape "Prep" Turns with Double
This pattern is very similar to step #1 above, except the hand
hold arrangement is "skater's" position rather than
cape position. The action is check, check (or prep, prep), then
turn on QQ, then turn again on QQ. This move is easy to lead
in social dancing.
- Right Side Wrap "Prep" Turns
with Double Turns
This pattern is very similar to step #1 and #2 above, except
the lady is in right side wrap position rather than cape position.
- Flick Turns with Double Turns (Synchronous
Free Spins)
This pattern is very similar to #18 of the bronze syllabus except
that double free spins are performed.
- Patty Cakes with Double Turns
Similar to #39 of the bronze syllabus except that double free
spins are performed.
Lariat Variations
- She Goes / He Goes in the Lariat
The lady turns and then the leader turns. This is easy to lead
in social dancing.
- Syncopated Lariat
This is like the standard Lariat except the lady performs a
very fast (syncopated) double turn rather than performing the
normal single turn. Her footwork timing is &Q, &Q, SS
or Q&, Q&, SS. The secret is that the extra "kick"
in the lead must come from the low hand, not the high connection.
- Leader's "Fake" and Lady's
Leader "fakes" the start of a lariat pattern, but
snaps back. A wave arm action can follow.
Weave Variations
- Check Weave with Extra (Syncopated)
Lady's Turn
This is similar to the standard check weave, but the lady performs
a very fast extra spin. Her footwork timing is &Q, &Q,
SS or Q&, Q&, SS.
- Cross Weave with Extra (Syncopated)
Lady's Turn
This is similar to the standard cross weave, but the lady
performs a very fast extra spin. Her footwork timing is &Q,
&Q, SS or Q&, Q&, SS.
- Leader's Head Loop
From a two hand hold weaving action, the leader loops his head
and the follower turns.
- Leader's Wrap and Lady's Ronde
From a two hand hold weaving action, the leader loops his body
(wraps himself) and turns and the follower circles, permitting
a ronde leg action. This figure is easy to lead and it's cool.
Ducks and Tunnels
- Leader's Duck Out (The Denver Duck)
The leader bends and ducks under his right arm. This is a very
popular duck figure.
- Bow and Tunnel
The follower advances forward with her arms back, then the leaders
passes and presents a tunnel.
- Leader's Tunnel from Lariat
From the Lariat, the leader sets up a tunnel for himself.
- Timing Variation Figure QQS, QQQQSS
A roll in for the follower followed by a push off overturned
to face forward.
- Leader's Turn to the Right and Movement
to Skater's Position
She turns CCW, he turns quickly CW, making a hand change. She
finishes in skater's position.
- Pivots (Revolves) on the Quick, Quick
Pivots are always fun and this figure that contains a fast pivot
on the quick, quick is extra fun.
- Left Turning Revolve
Like all "revolves," pivots, and turning basics, this
move is fun and not too difficult to dance socially.
- Free Spins for the Lady
The lady is released to perform free spins down the line of
Copyright 2002 by Joe Baker
- The Basic
Quick Tunnel (also called the Whip Tunnel) from Leader's Hammerlock
My first teacher called these the "headhunter" - if
the follower didn't read the pattern and respond appropriately,
her head could get bumped. Quick tunnels are really not hard...you
just have to know a couple of secrets on how to perform them.
- The Basic Quick Tunnel (also called
the Whip Tunnel) from Bow Tie Position
The same as #1, but slightly more difficult as it starts from
bow tie position.
- Two Quick Tunnels (Eight Balls)
a. Two Quick Tunnels Back to Back - Leader Turns to Right.
b. Two Quick Tunnels Back to Back - Clockwise Loop over Lady.
c. Two Quick Tunnels Back to Back - Double Hand Changes.
- The Flat Back & Tunnel
The Lady performs a spinning action while bending. It's not
easy, but it looks cool if you ever get the hang of it.
- Overhead Tops - She Goes / He Goes,
Counterclockwise Turns
The hand work is difficult.
Eight Quicks in a Row
- Windmill Turns - Eight Quicks in a
The follower turns continuously through eight quicks. These
are tough. The secret is staying on line and not getting off
of the beat.
- Lollipop Turns - Eight Quicks in a
The follower turns continuously through eight quicks.
- Outside Clockwise Turns - Eight Quicks
in a Row
The follower turns continuously through eight quicks.
- Illusion Turns - Eight Quicks in a
The follower turns continuously through eight quicks. Fast hand
break/reconnects are necessary.
Advanced Figures
- Leader's Pretzel - Basic Version
Arguably, there is no basic version. This move comes in two
forms: difficult and more difficult (see below). I love pretzels.
I show a way to transition from the leader's pretzel to the
follower's pretzel.
- The Leader's Pretzel - Advanced Version
This is difficult because an extra turn for the lady is added.
This creates a need for fast hand work.
- Continuous Wrap Turns
The lady spins continuously and the arm work is hairy. This
is a popular figure among competitors.
- Whirlwind Turns (also called Carousel
A series of fast high / low hand changes.
- She / He
"Flip" Turns
Very fast alternating she goes / he goes turns.
Joe and Sarah
Length: 85 minutes
Number of Patterns: 20 Silver
and 14 Gold plus bonus moves
DVD: $40 |