This is the very best two step video on the market, period. It's
well organized, it starts from the basic step, it builds in a logical
fashion, it covers all of the most popular and most important figures,
and it's a great bargain: 2 full hours with more than 45 patterns.
This tape is fully suitable for the complete beginner, but it goes
on to show all 45 syllabus figures, including all of the most popular
intermediate figures of two step. We show several ways to start
the figures and we show several endings for the figures. There are
no awkward figures or figures that are not universally recognized
as standard "lead and follow" figures. The development
of an instructional video for the bronze syllabus was a special
project of The Dance Store. This is the only instructional video
on the market for this syllabus and The Dance Store is the exclusive
source for the video. This video is a radical change from all previous
two step video offerings:
- Most if not all two step videos use the
same approach: they go directly into teaching long "amalgamations."
The student never learns the building blocks and the basic elements.
These amalgamations almost always contain an element that is
awkward or difficult to lead or difficult to follow. The bronze
syllabus is different: it shows figures individually and it
shows the easiest ways to initiate these figures and it shows
the easiest ways to transition out of them. It goes on to show
a "toolbox" of "connector figures" that
solve almost all transition issues you might ever face. With
most of these figures, we begin in closed position and we show
how to get back to closed as one of the ending options. With
a standard tempo of 180-200 beats per minute, two step is a
fast dance that cannot accept awkward choreography, especially
for social dancing.
- This video serves beginners, prospective
competitors, and instructors in an outstanding way. For beginners,
it starts with the basic, it builds slowly through basic changes
of direction, and it goes on to show, in logical order, all
of the necessary and quintessential steps of two step. In addition,
it shows everything in manageable and achievable small chunks.
For the social dancer, this tape shows all of the most important
"lead and follow" figures of two step. For the prospective
competitor, it shows how to do these figures correctly and it
shows easy ways to link them together. In addition, all of these
moves are "legal" for any level of competition. For
some levels of competition, the figures shown in this tape are
the only allowable figures. For teachers, this tape shows a
very logical course progression. This video is fully suitable
for serving as a course guide.
- This video is professionally produced
in beautiful, "broadcast quality" digital video with
"CD Quality" stereo sound. All figures are properly
labeled, indexed, and sequenced. The instructors (Joe and Sarah)
are former competitors in country-western dancing.
Copyright 2002 by Joe Baker
This video covers more than just the
steps below. The video begins with an introduction to the two
step that includes a demonstration. Next, frame, connection, timing,
and music tempo and structure are discussed. After these figures,
the video shows all of the "connector" moves needed
to move between all partner positions.
Basic Step
- Forward
Basic Step
This is the leader's forward basic step as the leader faces
and travels line of dance (LOD). Key points: 1) Pass the feet
on all steps. 2) Track the feet close together, practicing
"follow through." 3) Avoid bouncing, stutter stepping,
and looking down. 4) Maintain posture and avoid letting the
frame collapse.
- Backward
Basic Step
Key points: 1) Extend from the hip and step to the toe. 2)
Develop a reaching step. 3) Pass the feet and avoid bouncing.
Basic Changes of Direction
- Walk-around Turn
The leader moves from facing line of dance (LOD) to facing
back line of dance (BLOD). Though called a walk-around turn,
the leader moves through promenade, then makes a crossing
step to move to facing BLOD.
- Crossbody Lead
Shown in combination with the Walk-around Turn. The crossbody
lead is an important figure in almost every dance. In the
crossbody lead, the leader turns one-quarter turn to the left
and steps to 2nd dance position. The follower passes in front
and then makes a half turn to the left. This movement effects
a change of direction.
- Pivot Turn
In the half-turn pivot, the leader begins the figure facing
back line of dance and ends facing line of dance. The lady
steps between the man's feet and the pivot turn is to the
Basic changes of direction need to be well understood and
danced "cleanly" with correct footwork and technique.
Though these steps sound easy, most "honky-tonk"
two steppers" try to use "run-around" steps
to accomplish these basic changes of direction.
Basic Figures
- Follower's (Lady's) Double Turn to
the Right
Providing a slight, prepping "pre-lead" on the second
slow of the preceding basic, the leader then gives the lady
two "outside" turns, one occurring on the quick-quick,
the other occurring on the slow-slow.
- Lady's Turn to the Right, Check, then
Turn Back to the Left to Closed
This introduces a "check," which is an important action
in the two step.
- Movement to Promenade & Follower's
Reverse Turn to Right Side Wrap
The movement to promenade is also an important action in two
step. This figure shows the easiest way to move the follower
to the right side wrap position.
- Follower's Movement to Cape Position
Similar to step #6 above. The leader effects turning the lady
1 1/2 turns to the right, making a hand change above her head.
She ends in right side "cape" position. This movement
is very popular in social dancing. Competition dancers avoid
it because of the "aesthetically unappealing and obvious"
hand change involved. Later in the video, we show other ways
to move the lady to cape position.
- "Prep Turns" Check, Check,
Turn to Left
These are very popular in social dancing. These prep turns are
often danced with the lady in cape position. This move is a
logical next step after step #9 above. This tape shows prep
turns danced in cape position, in right side wrap position,
and in skater's position.
- Movement from Cape to Right Side Wrap
to Skater's Position to Closed
This is a great sequence both for social dancing and to illustrate
easy ways to move between these partner positions.
- Leader's Walk-around Turn to Bring
Lady to Right Side Wrap Position
Leader moves through promenade and around follower to bring
follower to right side wrap position.
- The Turning Basic also called a Revolve
This figure is an extremely important figure in the two step.
The turning basic can be used to begin many figures and it can
be used to initiate hand changes. Revolving figures performed
in partnership like this are also fun. This video shows you
the secrets on how to dance these cleanly. Dancing these revolves
back to back is extra fun and this video shows you how to do
- Pivot Turn into the Turning Basic
This figure combines step #5 and step #13 into an amalgamation.
Vine Steps
- Opposite Action Parallel Vine Step
"Grapevine steps" are fun, cool, and easy. We show
a bunch of them.
- Promenade Position Matching Action
Vine Step
Super easy to lead, lots of fun and handy for setting up fast
revolves that can be danced on the quick, quick.
- Face Forward / Face Back Vine
The diagonal face backward occurs on the quicks, the diagonal
face forward occurs on the slows.
Other Popular Patterns
- "Flick Turns" (Synchronous
Free Spins)
A quintessential figure in the two step, the partners dance
free spins on opposite tracks in synchronized fashion. We also
show an easy version where she spins in both directions but
the leader only has to spin in one direction.
- Push-Off Vine Step and Synchronous
Free Spins
A patty-cake "push-off" vine step precedes the flick
- The Turning Basic Starting from Cape
Being able to smoothly transition into this revolving figure
from cape position (or from skater's of from "bow tie")
is really cool.
- Movement to Reverse Open Promenade
via Turns to the Right
This is one of the easiest ways to get from closed to Reverse
Open Promenade (ROP). Reverse open promenade position allows
starting weave figures.
- Movement to Reverse Open Promenade
from the Turning Basic
Number 21 (above) is okay for a beginner, but this way is the
cool way.
- High / Low Hand Changes to Reverse
Open Promenade
These "windmill-like" hand changes, especially if
repeated or combined with #22, can get the follower dizzy in
a hurry. They also give the leader a chance to make a hand change
or to kill time while he's trying to figure out which hand he
wants to lead with.
- The Check Weave (also called "Laces").
This is the "standard" weave.
Another quintessential figure in the two step, the partners
switch tracks back and forth while performing a "she goes
/ he goes" swing-dance-like figure.
- The Cross Weave
This figure introduces the popular crossing step (or "Jazz
Box" step), which can be used for pretzels and lariats.
- Check Weave to Cross Weave Combination
with Transition
This amalgamation begins with the standard check weave. After
the "she goes" part, the leader quickly turns to the
right to set up leading the cross weave.
Other Popular Figures
- Turning Basic with Behind the Back
Hand Change
The leader changes hands behind the follower's back during the
turning basic. A cool and inconspicuous way to effect a hand
- Alternating Lady Face Forward Line
of Dance, Turns, Then Faces Back Line of Dance
A really easy pattern.
- The Lariat
Another quintessential figure in the two step, the lady travels
clockwise around the leader in sort of an "around-the-world"
fashion. The leader's arm work and her movement resemble the
action of a lariat.
- Movement from Lariat to Bow Tie or
"Double Comb"
Move #29 taken to "bow tie." Some folks call bow tie
"shoulder locks," other folks might call it a double
- Bow Tie into Turning Basic (Revolve)
This figure moves the partners into a turning basic style exit
from the bow tie.
- Lady's Pretzel
Easier than the "Leader's Pretzel," which is beyond
the scope of the bronze syllabus, this figure uses the cross
weave footwork pattern.
- The Circular Basic (Shown in Lady's
Hammerlock or Pretzel Position)
In this easy figure, the partners dance a circular basic.
- Closed Whip (Shown with Turns to the
Right to End in ROP)
Whip figures are really important and they look cool. They can
be used to set up many figures.
- Locked (Basket) Whip
Also shown with turns to the right. This figure can also set
up the Lady's Pretzel.
- Lady's Duck Out
We show several ways to use this to set up other figures, like
the Lady's Pretzel.
- Leader's Duck Out
We show how this figure can set up other figures.
- The "Split Burst"
This is another quintessential and popular two step figure.
It looks cool and it's easy.
- Patty Cakes
This is an easy move and we show several variations. Almost
every dance has some version of "patty cakes."
- Barrel Rolls (Sometimes called Shoulder
These can be a bit tough. We show the easiest version using
only one "roll" per basic.
- Leader's Turns
Guy's, this will impress your partner and the crowd. As they
occur less frequently, guy's turns can get attention due to
their novelty.
Timing Variation: Figures that use Quick, Quick Slow;
Quick, Quick, Slow Timing
- Roll Into Wrap from Forward Open Promenade,
Check, Back to Forward Open Promenade
These are easy to lead and easy to follow even if you've never
danced a timing change in the past.
- Alternating Half Free Spins to Left
and to Right
These can be danced as samba breaks.
- Rolling In, Checking at the Shoulder
Very similar to #42, but performed in cape or in skater's position.
- Blind Hand Change (Belt Loop Hand Change)
A very popular figure for making a hand change. It starts from
reverse open promenade.
This video also shows combinations
of these figures and ways to chain figures together. This
video goes on to show a wide assortment of connector moves
to allow you to move easily between partner positions. In
fact, the video effectively covers a "matrix"
of how to get from every partner position: A,B,C,D,E,F to
every other partner position: A,B,C,D,E,F. This is invaluable
for choreographers and for active social dancers. (It took
me years to figure all this stuff out.)

Joe and Sarah
Length: 2 hours
Number of Patterns: 45 plus additional combinations
and "connectors"
DVD: $40 |