This is a great video for learning turns, figures, and patterns.
This two-hour videotape shows more than 40 patterns, including
all of the most common and the most important salsa figures. Specifically,
this video shows:
- Five figures
involving (natural) right turns for the lady.
- Three figures
involving right turns for the man.
- Two figures
for lady and man using left (reverse) turns.
- Six figures
involving "she goes, he goes" alternating lady/man
- Eight figures
involving "Cross Body Leads."
- Four figures
involving "back spot turns" (natural tops).
- Four figures
involving spinning right side passes for the lady.
- Four figures
involving extra (syncopated) turns for the lady.
- Two figures that use "salsa spins."
These patterns cover the major "pattern
themes" and "footwork categories" in salsa. Except
for the patterns involving syncopated double turns, all of these
figures are leadable figures for social dancing.
Though there are hundreds of salsa figures,
most of these use just twelve basic footwork patterns or "themes."
Once you know these basic themes, it's easy to build hundreds
of figures and it's easy to chain these figures together. For
a given footwork pattern, many figures can be developed by changing
the arm-work and the hand connections. For example, a she goes
/ he goes alternating turn sequence can involve a one-hand connection,
a two-hand parallel connection, a cross-hand pretzel connection,
or a hand change sequence. Each has a different look, but they
could all use the same footwork pattern. Most footwork patterns
can involve at least five different hand connections.
This video goes over the twelve most popular
footwork and pattern themes. Then, we typically show five or more
figures that use each theme. Building off of the twelve basic
themes is the easiest way to develop a huge repertoire of figures.
Most salsa videos show only a handful of
figures. The student has to buy many videos to learn only a couple
dozen moves. Worse, the student never learns the "common
denominator" themes that lie beneath almost all salsa figures.
This two-hour video is sure to increase your repertoire at least
five fold.
This video also shows almost all partner
"syllabus" figures, including those from the Cuba /
south Florida casino rueda syllabus that are applicable to couple
dancing. In addition, this video shows all of the standard ballroom
mambo syllabus figures. Most important, this video shows all of
the popular "night club" social dance figures that are
imminently leadable.
Part 1: Introduction and Previews
Part 2: An introduction to the twelve
most popular pattern themes. Note on the counting protocol: his
forward basic occurs on counts 1,2, and 3; his backward basic
occurs on counts 5,6, and 7. These "themes" include:
- The right turn/right
turn, she goes/he goes alternating turning sequence, where she
performs a natural turn (a turn to the right) on counts 5,6,7
and he performs his turn to the right on counts 1,2,3. Many
different hand connections are possible. This is the theme for
"tags" and most ducks.
- The right turn/left
turn, she goes/he goes alternating turning sequence, where she
performs a turn to the right on counts 5,6, and 7 and he performs
a turn to the left on counts 1,2, and 3. This can be performed
with single hand, double hand or crossed hands. The crossed
hands version creates the popular "Lariat" pattern
that is used in many other dances.
- The alternating
mambo turn sequence that is used for "chase patterns."
- The crossbody
lead with the reverse turn pattern. Perhaps the most popular
of all footwork patterns, this pattern is used for lariats and
for behind-the-back passes.
- The natural
top (also called the back spot turn). This figure can set up
many others.
- The enchunfla
figure extended with he goes/she goes "swing" steps.
She performs a reverse turn on counts 1,2, and 3 and he performs
a reverse turn on counts 4,5, and 6.
- The she goes/he
goes sequence where the lady dances a reverse turn on counts
1,2, and 3 and the leader dances a turn to the right on counts
5,6, and 7.
3: Many new moves and moves using the above themes. These
moves include:
- Tag, and clockwise
turning lariat to "sombrero."
- "Hairbrush"
cross body lead with reverse turn.
- Left side opening
out and two natural turns.
- Enchunfla turn
to salsa swing step.
- Setenta and
setenta variation.
- Exhibela
- Movement to
cape and illusion turns.
- Combination
#1: Enchunfla turn, movement to cape, illusion turn, ccw-turning
lariat, spinning behind the back pass.
- Combination
#2: Cross body lead with reverse turn to open break, natural
top through two bars, exit with behind the back hand change,
check to salsa spin.
- Combination #3: Natural top through two
bars, two she goes L/he goes R sequences to check to salsa spin.
Part 4: Patterns grouped by footwork
theme. In this part, we group a bazillion figures into their "theme"
categories. This is a great way to remember moves and it's a great
way to quickly build your repertoire.
Part 5: Bonus patterns. Seven more
figures are shown.
Joe, Sarah and Patricia
Length: 2 hours
Number of Patterns: over 40
$35 |
