This tape is fully suitable for the complete beginner. This
tape starts at the very beginning and it explains the basic
step, how to count the music, and, most important, how to
achieve "Cuban motion." Our video shows a simple
sure-fire way to achieve the "Cuban motion," which
is so important for this dance. We also show you how to
avoid common errors. This video goes on to show all of the
most common and familiar Merengue patterns and it goes further
to show pretzels and tunnels.
This is a great video! It shows the most important and the
most leadable Merengue figures. The video includes an index,
listing all of the twenty steps. In addition, as they are
shown, all steps are named and introduced by a title. This
video was filmed in broadcast quality digital video with
stereo, CD-quality sound.
- Side
Chasse Basic Step. What's important here is the hip
action. Jamie, who's a popular dancer in the Richmond-area
Latin clubs, shows you how to do this correctly.
- Rotating Basic Step
- Separation and Movement Back
to Closed. Almost every dance has a "release
to open" and "movement back to closed"
- Dancing Apart in Open Position
- The Open Break. The open
break is used to set up many figures.
- The Open Break and Four-Count
Natural Underarm Turn
- The Eight-Count (Slow) Natural
Underarm Turn
- The Reverse Turn
- Half Turn Rotation in Open Position
(Trading Places)
- Alternating, She Goes / He Goes
- Leader's Double Hand Change Turn
to Left
- The Back Spot Turn
- Adios. This is similar to
the popular salsa figure.
- Leader's Spin Following Back
Spot Turn
- She Goes Under / He Goes Under
/ She Goes Under
- The Leader's Pretzel. Popular
in swing dancing, this figure is fun and it's a perfect
fit in merengue.
- The Pretzel with Wrap and Duck
- Slow Tunnel
- Double
Slow Tunnel
- Spot Pivot

Joe and Jamie
Length: about 85 minutes
Number of Patterns: over 20
DVD: $30 |
