This 80-minute tape contains all 50 figures that comprise the
complete hustle syllabus: all 20 "Bronze" figures, all
18 "Silver figures, and all 12 "Gold" figures.
No dance video library would be complete without this tape. The
syllabus contains the most popular figures, the most often danced
figures, and the figures that best characterize hustle. The Dance
Store is the exclusive provider of this video. Most of the figures
in this tape are shown on Hustle Volumes 1-3. In addition, Volumes
1-3 show many more figures. Why buy the syllabus? This tape "bundles"
the syllabus figures together into a concise reference. It was
assembled in response to a longstanding request of teaching studios
and hustle competitors. All figures are properly labeled and sequenced.
All figures are counted out twice: once by the 1,2,&3 counting
system, once by the &1,2,3 counting system. (Now everybody
should be happy.)
Copyright 2001 by Joe Baker
- The Basic
Step, also called the Balance Step.
The basic step is approximately forward, back, together, forward,
similar to a "coaster step," but with very little
movement forward before the first "slow." Timing for
the basic step is a series of two "quick" steps, followed
by two "slow" steps. Each "slow" consumes
one beat of music, and each "quick" consumes 1/2 beat
of music resulting in four steps being taken to three beats
of music. The most popular counting system is &1,2,3.
- One Quarter
Turn Rotation of the Basic Step (1/4 Turn Pin Wheel).
This figure aids the student in learning to move the dance around
the floor.
- One Half
Turn Rotation (also called right side passes or "trading
Similar to a "push" in East Coast Swing, this figure
takes the theme of #2 further. Each partner makes 1/2 turn to
the right as they dance the basic step, effecting a "trading
of places" with each basic. A two hand connection between
partners is maintained throughout.
- Starter step
and movement from closed to open and movement from open back
to closed.
Some people might refer to this as a "sling throw out."
- Leader's
turn to the left.
Leader releases connection with his left hand as he makes the
turn, then regains connection (his left to her right) after
the turn.
- Double hand
change leader's turn to the left.
Similar to #5, except that connection is maintained through
the turn by moving the lady's right hand to his right hand and
then making a second change, placing her right back in his left.
- Alternating
leader/follower turns (also called "he goes/she goes").
A quintessential hustle figure.
- Bridge or
Arch Turn to open position.
In this figure, the lady moves from closed to open by making
a 1/2 turn to the right, going beneath her right arm. An analogous
figure would be the tuck turn in East Coast Swing.
- Lady's Head
Loop movement from open to closed.
In this figure, the lady moves from open to closed, making 1/2
turn to the right as the leader loops her left arm around her
- The Cross
Body Lead (or left-turning rotating basic).
The lady makes half turns to the left on each basic as the leader
"opens the path" and then follows her.
- Lady's movement
to Cape (Shadow) position.
The lady moves from open to closed making a half turn to the
right as the leader effects hand changes.
- Sliding Doors.
Popular in many dances, the partners slide past each other in
opposite directions.
- The Grapevine.
Another quintessential hustle figure that uses alternate crossing
in front, then crossing in back footwork. This figure along
with the next helps the dance travel.
- New York
The lady walks a forward, forward, forward, forward basic using
hustle footwork timing with an underarm (bridge) turn at the
- The Open
"Check" Step.
Essentially the same as Step #1, except that a one hand connection
is used.
- Whip with
inside turn.
Similar to a whip with inside turn in West Coast Swing.
- Leader's
"hammerlock" whip.
- Lady's inside
turn to closed.
The lady moves from open to closed making a half turn to the
- Lady's wrap
turn to the left.
This figure introduces the "rolling break" or "push
- The right-turning
cross body lead (closed, right-turning basic).
Similar to #10, except the figure turns to the right.
Copyright 2001 by Joe Baker
- Cross Body
Lead with Inside Turn.
Similar to #10 above except that the lady will make a 1 1/2
turn in the movement, using the "rolling break" type
footwork at the end of each turn.
- Cape (Shadow
Position) Rolling Breaks.
The lady comes to shadow position and then makes turns as in
the previous figure (silver syllabus figure #1).
- Hustle Rolls
(also called continuous left-turning waist spins).
The lady uses the "rolling break" footwork pattern
again as the gentleman leads at her waist.
- Hustle Rolls
- "Around the World"
Another quintessential hustle figure similar to #3 except that
she passes behind his back on the second basic.
- Right Side
Wrap Combination #1.
There are many, perhaps 50 or more, slotted wrap combinations
that are similar to west coast swing figures. We chose to include
two of the most popular figures.
- Right Side
Wrap Combination #2.
- Whip with
Two Inside Turns.
Similar to #16 of the Bronze Syllabus, but an extra turn is
- Double Left-Turning
Free Spins for the Lady.
There are many ways to set these up. The easiest is from a right
side opening out "hand to hand" position.
- Four Corners.
Another quintessential hustle figure. If a large square were
painted on the floor, the lady travels to the four corners of
the square. Four basics are required, and the lady typically
turns on every other one. There are many possible variations.
- Four Count
Turns. (Slow, Slow, Quick, Quick, Quick, Quick - 1 1/2 turns
to the right)
An essential element of "modern hustle," which is
danced to faster tempo music. In making 1 1/2 turns to the right,
and extra two steps must be taken.
- Butterfly.
A movement to a front to back "shadow" position.
- Butterfly
with swivels.
- The Shadow
Position Grapevine.
- Shoulder
- Roll In -
Push Off.
- Cape (Shadow)
Position Back and Forth Movement.
She makes "closed changes" in front of the leader.
- Swivels (Several
variations are shown.)
- Zig Zags.
Copyright 2001 by Joe Baker
- Free Spin
with Check and Reverse.
- Free Spin
with Behind the Back Pass.
A cool, classic hustle move but a little difficult.
- Parallel
A traveling figure.
- "The
Another traveling figure.
- Left-Turning
Pivots and Revolves are fun! This figure is like a left turning
pivot or telemark.
- The Diamond.
Continuous cycle of free spins, a "toss across," free
spins, a toss across.
- Double clockwise
(CW) spins followed by double CCW spins.
- The "Toss
A toss across, then a free spin across. Repeats.
- Four Count
(Progressive) Pivot.
The standard pivot applied to hustle.
- Spot Pivot.
The classic spot pivot using hustle timing.
- Spanish Turn.
- Walk, CW
Turn, Walk. (Another type of "Spanish Turn.")
Also called "Trap Door" footwork.
This syllabus development project was sponsored
by and led by Joe Baker of The Dance Store. Input was received
from the top hustle competitors, coaches, and judges. The first
11 patterns of the bronze syllabus have had longstanding recognition
as basic syllabus figures and they have been included in many
written syllabi. They are absolutely essential foundation moves
and are part of the basic "vocabulary" of hustle. Bronze
figures 12-20 are also very common figures that serve as valuable
building blocks, essential competencies, and basic "vocabulary"
figures. The criteria for inclusion in Silver and Gold was as
follows: 1) All figures must clearly be recognized as popular
hustle figures that are among the figures that are most often
danced. 2) The figures should contain important "building
block" characteristics. In other words, they should contain
essential competency elements for the intermediate and advanced
hustle dancer. 3) The figures should be those that "define
" hustle and that are characteristic of hustle. 4) The figures
should be leadable in social dancing, without special cues, among
those who have learned the figures.
The objective was not to invent moves or
select weird moves, but to assemble those that build essential
competencies that will allow further skill and choreography development.
Though some figures repeat a footwork theme, most introduce a
new skill. There are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of hustle figures.
Limiting the scope to 50 required limiting the selection to those
figures that contribute most to the "toolbox" of essential
Instructors: Joe
and Sarah
Length: 80 minutes
Number of Patterns: 50
DVD: $35 |
